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Coté Escrivá


April 13 - 17, 2022

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THE ANZAI GALLERYでは4月13日(水)より、代官山ヒルサイドフォーラムにて、スペイン人アーティスト、コーテ・エスクリーバの展示” DEAD CARTOON”を開催いたします。ペインティング、版画の他、エスクリーバの作品の中でも特に人気の高い立体作品も共に展示いたします。1982年スペイン・バレンシアで生まれたエスクリーバは、現在もスペインを拠点としながら、ロンドン、ロサンゼルス、シンガポールなどで展示。また、Art Taipeiなど世界のアートフェアで定期的に作品を発表しているアーティストです。幼い頃からアメリカのポップカルチャー、アーバンアート、そしてカートゥーンに大きな影響を受けたエスクリーバは、バレンシア工科大学で工業デザインを学んだ後、デザインスタジオを経て、個人ブランドを設立。2010年にアートシーンに登場して以来、多くの人々を魅了しています。レトロでポップでありながら、時にダークな雰囲気を併せ持つエスクリーバの作品の数々から感じられるのはローブロウ・スタイル※1へのこだわり。エスクリーバが幼い頃に慣れ親しんだアニメーションと自身の内側から生まれる表現に対する様々な意欲とそこに対する取り組みは、作品からも垣間見られるでしょう。また、エスクリーバの中でも特徴的なのが作品の色彩。作品でもポップな雰囲気を持つものもあれば、レトロなものもあります。かつては色彩をあまり重要視してこなかったというエスクリーバですが、近年では”これからは色彩をもっと試していきたいと思うようになったのかもしれません。その一方で、グレイスケールや少ない色数で表現することにとても魅力を感じています”と話します。エスクリーバの幼い頃の記憶と、見る人自身の記憶を重ね、またその背景にあるカルチャーを感じることのできる作品の数々。本展を通じてエスクリーバの世界観に触れていただけると幸いです。


THE ANZAI GALLERY is pleased to present incorrect order an so exhibition “ Dead Cartoon” starting April 13 in Daikanyama Hillside Forum. The creator, Cote Escriva is a Spanish artist and the exhibition will feature his paintings, prints, and his most popular three-dimensional works will also be on display. Escriva was born in Valencia, Spain in 1982. Although Escriva is based in the country his work has been exhibited around the world, including London, Los Angeles, Singapore, and he also regularly show cases his work at art fairs, such as Art Taipei. He has been heavily influenced by American pop culture, Urban art, Cartoon, He studied industrial design at the Polytechnic University of Valencia in Spain, and he established personal brand after he is working at a design studio for a few years. Escriva’s work have been attracting the large audience since its debut on the art scene in mid-2010. Escriva’s work is retro, pop and sometimes has dark atmosphere, which has been inspired by the Lowbrow style※1 His various motivations to express his inner-self and his approaches to accomplish that as well as the animations that Escriva used to enjoy in his childhood can be glimpsed in his work. In addition to that what’s characteristic is how Escriva applies colors to his work, Some of his work have pop-art style whereas others present retro mood. He didn’t value colors so much given much color, but Escriva recently says,  ”I really want to experiment a variety of colors from now on. On the other hand, I have to say that the gray scale and the use of few colors are also something that attracts me a lot “. Escriva's work encourages the audience to contextualize his childhood memories and the audience's and allow them feel the culture behind the work. We hope you will experience Escriva's world building through this exhibition.


Ancient paintings and other works of art were articles of taste the upper-class aristocracy and symbols of power, and they were unreachable for the general public, while Lowbrow art was an art movement that spread widely among them.

Lowbrow Art has its origins in underground comix, punk music, hot rods, street culture, tattoos, and other subcultures, and the art is sometimes

referred to as Pop Surrealism. Lowbrow art has a cheerful sense of humor as well as sly sophistication and includes ironic expressions, which shows a strong sense of self. Most Lowbrow artworks are expressed in paintings, but they can also be found in toys, digital art, and sculpture.

Coté Escrivá


会        期 :  2022年4月13日~17日

時        間 :  午後12時~午後7時 ※最終日17日は午後3時まで  

会        場 :  代官山ヒルサイドフォーラム

住        所 :  〒150-0033 東京都渋谷区猿楽町 29-18 代官山ヒルサイドテラスF棟

入  館  料  :  無料

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